Wednesday, June 24, 2009

RSS feeds will offer exciting possibilities to keep up to date in my field without constantly searching the net. All my favourite sites will be grouped together and will be retrieving updates for me automatically as soon as new research or information is published. What a time-saver! I can see how this will be useful to all library areas, both for keeping staff up to date to enable us to provide the best possible service, and for teaching our borrowers how to get the most out of their online experiences.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

On completing the Social Networking component, I can see lots of possibilities with joining groups on line that share similar interests and there are a wide range of sites to choose from. This is another great way of communicating and sharing up-to-date news with friends and family, and also of creating or joining a network of new friends. A trendy way of social networking when my family and friends aren't physically available.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I have now completed three components of Licence2testdrive and am finding it really interesting. I can see it could become quite addictive and that it's fun to find new ways of communicating with both colleagues and friends. Of course from a service point of view it is really essential to know and use new forms of technology to assist patrons and provide information that is most up-to-date and relevant to the patron at hand. Although initially it would seem that young people are the ones exploring and using blogs, wikkis etc., senior members of the community are really enthusiastic about learning the new technology too. They have the time to learn and want to keep informed. So, Learning2tesdrive will assist a very wide range of library patrons.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Flikr will be an excellent tool for library promotions and demonstrations to illustrate a point or elaborate an explanation. The choice of graphics seems limitless. I feel I will always be able to find an image that will be appropriate, interesting, inspiring or amusings. Lots of possibilities with this functionality. I want to be able to explore more in my own time and feel it could be addictive.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Test drive 1

As a librarian of many years standing I though 'Oh no' not more training. However, I am looking forward to moving into Library 2.0 and becoming conversant with new technology both to increase my knowledge and aid me in assisting clients to utilise the most appropriate technology to access the most up to date information. It will also be the means of keeping up with my grandchildren.